To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Fallout series, the team behind this ambitious fan expansion for Fallout 4 has released an ‘anniversary reel’ trailer, featuring various in-game environments. The video is nearly three minutes long and the footage shown is pretty great, especially considering this is a fan project. Fallout Miami aims to deliver a new adventure for Fallout 4 players on PC and Xbox. The DLC-sized mod is set in the vacation wasteland and comes with an engaging main quest and various side quests, characters, and new companions. Check out the new trailer for Fallout Miami down below:

“The central theme of our story is the struggle between order and freedom”, the description of the mod reads. “The setting for this new adventure is the post-post-apocalyptic Vacation Wasteland of Miami Beach. Once a popular tourist destination, attracting rich and glamorous visitors both foreign and domestic, it now plays host to an eclectic assortment of factions and societies, each with its own culture and approach to the challenges of this new post-nuclear world. The once-great slaver kingdom of Sunshine Cove has recently come under threat by a horde of automobile-worshipping nomads calling themselves the Nuclear Patriots. While Miami’s various factions vie for control over the Vacation Wasteland, a long-forgotten remnant of the old world slumbers beneath the waves, waiting for an opportunity to reclaim America once again.” A release date for Fallout Miami hasn’t been set yet, but those interested can already download and check out two standalone releases, including the Miami Misadventures episodic mod, which sets players on a short adventure to enact vengeance on those who ambushed a caravan merchant from down South. This standalone release is available for both PC and Xbox. For more information about the Fallout Miami DLC mod, check out the project’s official website here.

New Fallout Miami Trailer Shows New In Game Footage  Including Various Environments - 98New Fallout Miami Trailer Shows New In Game Footage  Including Various Environments - 57